libQtCassandra 0.3.2
QtCassandra::QCassandra | The Cassandra class definition |
QtCassandra::QCassandraCell | A cell holds a name and value pair |
QtCassandra::QCassandraColumnDefinition | Hold a Cassandra column definition |
QtCassandra::QCassandraColumnDefinitionPrivate | Overload the ColumnDef to handle details |
QtCassandra::QCassandraColumnNamePredicate | A column predicate using a list of column names |
QtCassandra::QCassandraColumnPredicate | Test to search for columns |
QtCassandra::QCassandraColumnRangePredicate | Define a range of columns |
QtCassandra::QCassandraContext | Hold a Cassandra keyspace definition |
QtCassandra::QCassandraContextPrivate | Overload the KsDef to handle details |
QtCassandra::QCassandraPrivate | Private data for the QCassandra class |
QtCassandra::QCassandraRow | The row class to hold a set of cells |
QtCassandra::QCassandraRowPredicate | The row predicate to constrain the number of rows to return |
QtCassandra::QCassandraTable | Defines a table and may hold a Cassandra column family definition |
QtCassandra::QCassandraTablePrivate | Overload the CfDef to handle details |
QtCassandra::QCassandraValue | Holds a cell value |
QObject | This declaration is a stub for the documentation |
This document is part of the libQtCassandra Project.
Copyright by Made to Order Software Corp.